(1) for Children’s Shabbat 5761  5761

The paint on G-d's creation had scarcely dried
when glitches crept in. The system was in trouble.
The people reproduced and multiplied
but did things to each other that were terrible.
Even the genes of the animals got mixed!
So G-d found one man with integrity

to build an ark, to bring life's family

through the extinction of what could not be fixed.
Then G-d hung up the rainbow for a fresh start
and gave new rules beneath the clean-washed sun.
But first thing Noah did was invent the art
of making wine, and get mad at his grandson!
Mistakes will still be made. We must have patience.
G-d learned that through Noah's generations.

(2) 5762

He heard G-d clap the ark’s door shut behind him,
muting his former neighbors’ angry cries.
Ought he to have done more to make them mind him?
But they had watched his curious building rise
with jeers and threats. And he himself was just
an upright simple farmer, in no wise
a teacher or a leader. Now he must
ride out chaotic times as best he might,
climb slanting decks to feed each roaring beast.
The jewel in the ceiling gave a light,
though sun and moon and stars had left their stations.
He could not guess how G-d would put things right,
but G-d had counted on his toil and patience
to save the seed for coming generations.