Here are some links to a few very special organizations in Israel. 

The website of Manhigut Yehudit is well worth looking at, and founder Moshe Feiglin's book "Where There Are No Men" is well worth reading, even if, like this writer, one is not in agreement with all of their recent stances. "Where There Are No Men" is a classic; it is about Israel of the Oslo period, but like all classics it is also about all of us. I am posting my review of this book in hopes of encouraging readers to purchase it from the Manhigut Yehudit website, the only bookstore that presently carries it.

Ruth Fogelman, a poet living in the Old City, has her own site, Jerusalem Lives, featuring photographs and a fine selection of poems on Biblical and contemporary subjects.

Ezrat Avot is a small nonprofit organization that began in 1976 as a senior center in a Yemenite neighborhood in Jerusalem.  Over the years it has expanded to provide for the needs not only of the impoverished elderly but of an increasing number of families that can't make ends meet.   Low-overhead and personally caring.

The Terror Victims Support Center is another small, low-overhead charity aimed at helping terror victims and their families who "fall through the cracks" of the government agencies and large organizations.  Liora Tadgi founded it after being injured, and losing an unborn child, in a terror attack. 

The Koby Mandell Foundation exists to give comfort and healing to the bereaved families of those killed in terror attacks.  Sherri Mandell started it after her son Koby and his friend, Yosef Ishran, were murdered in a cave near Tekoa.   The foundation offers therapy, healing retreats, summer camp, etc.  According to the Foundation's website, "Our programs are infused with Koby’s sense of adventure, spirit and concern for others. We
help bereaved families become stronger and keep their hearts open and spirits alive despite
their grief."   Sherri Mandell is the author of a wonderful book, The Blessing of a Broken Heart, which describes her struggle to bring beauty and meaning out of the worst tragedy that can befall a parent. 

These organizations exemplify the spirit of Israel which will not be crushed!  Please give to them and take part in their vital struggle.