Deuteronomy 31

When he had spoken thus, he reassured the throng:
"Our G-d will go with you, though here my way must end."
He showed them Yehoshua and said to him, "Be strong
And resolute, for now this flock is yours to tend."
Moreover, he wrote down the teaching he had said
And told the Levites: "Keep this scroll for Israel,
Let all each year in gladness convene to hear this read,
And friends from all earth’s tribes attend the feast as well."
Then he took Yehoshua to stand within the tent --
The people saw their faces aglow like sun and moon --
But G-d’s word came: "I know this people’s dark intent:
Against their source of life they will rebel too soon.
Therefore I give a song; teach it and write it down;
These lines will bear Me witness and speak when you are gone."