SHOFAR by Ashira

A line

Connects two points.

A sound

Connects two hearts.

He whistles the pattern of a woodland bird.

In recognition we flock,



SHOFAR by Esther Cameron

The shofar's call

has only the space of a breath

in which to cross the ocean between worlds

negotiate the mazes of doubt

persuade the guardians of the seven thresholds of resistance

and hand the King's message to the one

who waits in the heart's core.


SHOFAR by Rivkah Pontos

The hundred indelible notes on my conscience lie

Begin with just a single breath. The soul's cry

Of articulated teshuvah drift to deeper parts of me

Attests to the Akeda, Har Sinai and Redemption -

The primal breath You infused in Adam haRishon.

A beginning so humble, yet ever challenged to reach our potential.

Through my narrow circumstance, I'm uplifted by Your benevolent expanse.


A line -

The shofar's call;

The hundred indelible notes on my conscience lie.

Connects two points,

Has only the space of a breath,

Begin with just a single breath. The soul's cry -

A sound

in which to cross the ocean between worlds

Of articulated teshuvah; drift to deeper parts of me.

Connects two hearts.

Negotiate the mazes of doubt.

Attests to the Akeda, Har Sinai and Redemption -

He whistles the pattern of a woodland bird.

Persuade the guardians of the seven thresholds of resistance!

The primal breath You infused in Adam haRishon.

In recognition we flock,

and hand the King's message to the one.

A beginning so humble, yet ever challenged to reach our potential.


who waits in the heart's core.

Through my narrow circumstance, I'm uplifted by Your benevolent expanse.

titled and edited by Rivkah Pontos