Ashira's lines:

A concept stumbles in a blind alley, searching for its face

Groping along the wall, crying out, "Where is the sacred place?"

Chicken soup is not a concept, yet

Its fragrance, warmth, and taste are set

To cure the faceless thoughts that roam

To nurture them and bring them home.

Together, hand-in-hand, they heal:

infinity and a tasty meal.

Esther's lines:

Beyond the fences we try to build,

Beyond the bounds we live in,

At the edges of everything, infinity shimmers.

We cannot escape to or from it.

We can only go through the hidden doors

We must find in every thing and creature.

Where the shoe pinches, the way begins.

Rivkah's lines:

In this spiral journey of depth and beauty

The mystical mirror reflects you in me.

A moral code of soulful union

Loneliness disperses with intention

Deciphered by a common fate

The love that binds Jew to Jew -

An ultimate expression of Infinity.


The combined poem: Infinity


A concept stumbles in a blind alley, searching for its face

Beyond the fences. We try to build

In this spiral journey of depth and beauty.

Groping along the wall, crying out, "Where is the sacred place?"

Beyond the bounds we live in,

The mystical mirror reflects you in me.

Chicken soup is not a concept, yet

At the edge(s) of everything, infinity shimmers.

A moral code of soulful union

Its fragrance, warmth, and taste are set

We cannot escape to or from it.

Loneliness disperses with intention

To cure the faceless thoughts that roam.

We can only go through the hidden doors

Deciphered by a common fate

To nurture them and bring them home.

We must find in every thing and creature.

The love that binds Jew to Jew -

Together, hand-in-hand, they heal: infinity and a tasty meal.

Where the shoe pinches, the way begins.

An ultimate expression of Infinity.

Title and edited by Rivkah.